Sunday, August 20, 2006

New Baby!

Well, we came home with our new son on Wednesday, all 10lb 13oz of him! I couldn't believe how big he was. The doctors told us that he was measuring big, but they told us our first son was going to be a 10lb baby and he ended up to be 8lb 13oz, so we thought the second would be on par with the first. Boy were we wrong! I am SO glad that they decided to induce labor early, I can't imagine how big he would have been if I went to term.

We went in for my induction on Monday morning at 7am, leaving our first son home with Grandma. I had been having contractions anyway, so it didn't take much Pitocin to get things going. But, just like the first time, things accelerated for about an hour and then just stayed that way for several more dilation, no water breaking, just painful contractions. Uugh. But, the doctor kept promising that this wouldn't be a 22-hour experience like the first one! So, they kept upping the dose of Pitocin, they broke my water (this is rather nasty by the way, and I truly feel for any woman who has this happen in public), and then I got the lovely, happy epidural and napped for a couple of hours. The stubborn kid did NOT want to come out. The doctor said his hand was actually up above his head, as though he was trying to push himself back in! Then around 5:15 they said that I could start pushing, and with me pushing like crazy and the doctor pulling and twisting like crazy, we managed to get the big boy out at 5:47pm.

Of course I'm biased, but I think he's absolutely gorgeous. He's big, healthy, and squeaky - the squeaking gives much delight to his big brother, who is going to have a heck of a time maintaining that title with a little brother that was born a full two pounds heavier than he was! But, big brother is taking things in stride and alternates between delight and jealousy with the arrival of his little sibling. I wouldn't expect any less, and I'm sure they'll be fast friends in a year or 20. In the meantime, we're going to have our hands full with these guys, and we'll do our best to enjoy every minute of it (forgetting these sleepless nights, of course).

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