Monday, October 16, 2006

Visit from mom

My mom came to visit us last week to spend some time with her grandchildren. It was nice to have her here, and fun to see the kids interact with their Grandma Bear. I seriously don't know where it comes from, and it certainly wasn't passed along to me, but my mom is like the Energizer Bunny. She has more energy than the standard teenager let alone a woman in her 60's. I forget because I don't see her very often since she lives out West. We had a wonderful visit, and we got so much accomplished!

The main thing that we accomplished was repainting the kitchen. It was a whirlwind few days of taping and priming and painting and cleaning. I am so glad to have it done, we hated the color of the kitchen since we moved in, and just never got around to doing anything about it. I'm not sure that my husband is thrilled with the final color, but I think it's growing on him (he did have a say in picking it out, don't worry!). I'll be thrilled to see it completed - mom and I went and picked out new drapes on Friday, but they're being made and won't arrive for a few more weeks. I think it'll look fantastic by Thanksgiving!

The other thing that mom did for me was give me a couple of hours kids-free last week to go and get pampered. I chose to go have a facial, it was wonderful and relaxing, although I have to say that I spent about half the time worrying that my kids were being extra challenging for my mom. They were... But, I forget that my mom was a stay-at-home mom with four daughters, three of whom were born within a four-year time span, so she can handle pretty much anything that a toddler and infant throw her way. Go mom!

Anyway, it was a great visit, and they don't happen often enough since we live so far apart. I guess that makes the time that we do have together even better. (I am tired though... ;-))

Thanks mom!

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