Thursday, October 05, 2006

Brownie Points

My husband earned several brownie points with me this week. First of all, on Monday I had a job interview in the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania. We had taken a road trip back to college last weekend, and so drove straight from our alma mater to the site of the interview. Keep in mind that we have a 22-month old and a 7-week old child... My interview was from 8am to nearly 4pm. It was pretty exhausting for me, but imagine what it was like for my poor husband. We were literally in the middle of nowhere, he had no idea where playgrounds or museums or anything were, and he had to check out of the hotel so had no "home base" to work from. Needless to say, he was worn out when it was all over (not to mention the fact that we had to drive home that night - 5 hours without a child who needs to eat every two hours). The reason he won brownie points with me is not only that he was willing to take on the challenge of the two kids for a day in the middle of nowhere, but that he really didn't complain about it. What a guy!

Here's the even better reason for his brownie points. Yesterday I was very depressed and suffering from a massive migraine to boot. Don got home from work and asked me how my day was and I answered that it was awful and that I got nothing worthwhile done. Do you know what his answer was? He said "did you feed the baby today?", and when I answered yes, he responded "than you accomplished something". While it didn't cure my malaise at the time, in retrospect it did begin the process of lifting my spirits, but more importantly, it reminded me of how much I love and appreciate him.

Major brownie points...

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