Wednesday, May 24, 2006

...A Glutton For Punishment

My husband's cousin must be a glutton for punishment, listen to his account of a recent race he ran "for fun". Are you kidding me? Why in the world would someone want to do that to their bodies? The most difficult thing I've ever done physically was climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania - at least we did the "whiskey route" rather than the "coca-cola route". As we were summiting before sunrise, and gasping for breath in the insanely thin air, I was thinking "What in the hell am I doing this for?", but as we got to the summit and watched the sunrise over the rest of Africa I realized that I would never see anything like that ever again. It made the lung and leg pain totally worthwhile.

Which brings me back to Kurt...there was no incredible view at the finish line (aside from a soldier asking him if his incredibly chafed nipples were bleeding), there was no prize, there was no incentive but the satisfaction that he could do it. While I say kudos to Kurt and feel the need to tell him that I'm incredibly impressed, I think I'll stay at home on my couch and revel in the satisfaction that I can't do it, nor would I be even remotely willing to try!

1 comment:

Kurt said...

Chia - don't minimize the satisfaction of finishing the race and wearing the shirt. Particularly for a middle aged man trying to re-build an identity.

thanks for recognizing the effort!
