Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Apologies...

I very clearly owe an apology to Dr. Gilbert, the author of a Time Magazine article on Father's Day that I took great offense to. A link to my original post is here. Today I received a comment from Dr. Gilbert that informed me that he DOES indeed have a son (and a grandchild). His comment was as follows:
why is it that you can't just disagree with an argument and say why. but must instead add a lot of personal insults to your otherwise interesting counter-argument?I'm not a sick, bitter person. I just have a different view on some matters. Name calling makes you look foolish instead of thoughtful.

And oh, my son and granddaughter were very surprised to find out that I have no children.

To my credit, I did make a sincere (but obviously not thorough enough) effort to find out if he had children before I made my comments. Unfortunately, the only biography that I could find on him only stated that he lived with his wife in Cambridge (which makes sense since his child is grown). Therefore, with hat in hand, I apologize to Dr. Gilbert for my misstatement about his inability to make an accurate assesment of fatherhood due to his lack of experience in the matter.

I still stand by most of my other comments, and ironically, the knowledge that Dr. Gilbert has a son makes the article even more heartbreaking to me. I wonder how his son felt after reading that he was more of a burden than blessing in his father's life?

1 comment:

Chia said...

Minerrva21's link didn't work. Her post on this topic can be found here