Monday, July 10, 2006

A Quality State Trooper

In general, I don't really have anything bad to say about Massachusetts State Troopers. I think that they have a really thankless job, and they do their best to protect MA citizens and uphold our laws. You really couldn't pay me enough to do what they do for a living, and I respect the danger that they put themselves in every day for our benefit. This being said, I am not sure that all of them are the most savvy of individuals. Indeed, I saw a State Trooper today do something so moronic that I am preferring to believe was just having an off day...I was shocked to see what he did.

I was driving home from work this evening, on a three-lane highway (I guess technically it's a 6-lane highway, three lanes on each side) that has a 65 MPH speed limit. There was a trooper standing in the right breakdown lane of the highway, shooting his radar gun at oncoming traffic. This in itself is not shocking, although I think his safety may have been better served shooting the radar gun from within his vehicle. Nevertheless, that was what he was doing. What shocked me was that he targeted someone in the far-left lane (who I agree should have been pulled over, the guy was FLYING). Then the genius trooper stepped into oncoming traffic in the far right lane to get the attention of the driver in car he was trying to pull over. It wasn't just that he took one step into the lane, he walked halfway across it... The cars in both the middle lane and the right lane slammed on their brakes, because they weren't sure if he was going to stop, continue, or run back onto the shoulder! He nearly caused a multi-car accident, not to mention nearly losing his own life.

The trooper did get his man (and he had three other cars pulled over at the same time), but I think that the danger in which he put himself and the other drivers who were respecting the speed limit, was not worth the revenue that will come out of four measley little moving violations.

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